add/edit citation link disconnect

My "add/edit citation" stopped working at some point and kept loading. I tried exiting Google docs, exiting Zotero and nothing worked. Every time I then tried to link it stalled and kept loading. Then all of a sudden I had 300 pages of citations (lit cited repeated over and over). Now the link still won't work and I don't know what to do and really hope I didn't lose hours of work!
  • You should use Google Docs version history to revert to the version from before the problem occurred and make a copy of that document (File → Make a copy). Then disable any other browser extensions besides the Zotero Connector, reload Google Docs, and restart Zotero. From the plugin's Document Preferences window, make sure that "Automatically update citations" is disabled, which helps speed things up in a large document. Then try Add/Edit Citation again.

    If you think it's stalled, make sure the citation dialog isn't just appear behind your other windows, since that's the most likely situation. The citation dialog window is part of the Zotero app.
  • Thank you that worked. I added a lot of text since, so I have to go back and readd the text. I turned off the "automatically update" so hopefully this doesn't occur again!
  • Hello,

    I am having the same issue when I intergrate the in-text citations into the document. Zotero froze and then copied my lit cited so I have 200 pages.
  • [JavaScript Error: "The connection to wss:// has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred."]

    [JavaScript Error: "WebSocket connection closed: 1006 "]

    [JavaScript Error: "The connection to wss:// has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred."]

    [JavaScript Error: "WebSocket connection closed: 1006 "]

    [JavaScript Error: "HTTP Integration Error" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/connector/server_connectorIntegration.js" line: 67}]

    version => 6.0.30, platform => Win32, oscpu => Windows NT 10.0; WOW64, locale => en-US, appName => Zotero, appVersion => 6.0.30, extensions => Zotero LibreOffice Integration (6.0.4.SA.6.0.30, extension), Zotero Word for Windows Integration (6.0.3.SA.6.0.30, extension)
  • I feel like at this point I might just not use Zotero because I have spent hours fixing things when I should be writing. And I don't know what to do! Its really stressful. It's not working and I just paid for extra storage and spent SO much time transferring everything to Zotero.
  • FWIW, I don't find Zotero Google Doc integration usable beyond article or chapter-length documents. It sounds like you're working on a book or dissertation? I'd probably switch to Word or LibreOffice, honestly, but if that's not an option, at a minimum author in smaller individual sections (like chapters).
  • Just to note, we created a much faster version of Google Docs integration over a year ago, but we haven't been able to release it due to a bug in Google Docs that they haven't yet fixed. Until we're able to roll that out, yes, for a document of this size, you'll have better luck with Word or LibreOffice or working in individual sections.
  • @amanda.grunwald Sorry, this may be a known issue with Google Docs that we are unable to reproduce. You should completely remove the bibliography (and all its copies) from your document, then attempt to cite and make sure it works in an orderly (and hopefully fast) fashion. Then use the Add/Edit Bibliography option in the Zotero menu to insert the bibliography, and try citing in your document again. Citing should not produce many copies of the bibliography again.
  • I set it up to work with another author in Google Docs but I just switched to Word as I cannot dedicate further time to this. Thank you for the advice; Zotero in Word is currently working.
  • So it actually happened in Word as well. Should I try what was mentioned above?
  • Weird -- yes, follow the advice from adomasven from this morning.
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