Archival signature missing in bibliography

Dear all,

I hope I am not repeating an already existing thread. I haven't found one yet, but please feel free to let me know.

My problem:

When exporting a bibliography from a collection that contains archival sources (manuscripts, letters, and the like), the field signature/shelf mark (German here, not sure of the English translation in Zotero) will not be included in this bibliography. This is the case in all of the given citation sytles, but I usually use APA.

Is there a way to solve this? The CSL-editor does not seem to help me here. But I am also quite illiterate when it comes to editing citation styles in Zotero....

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

All best

  • Signatur (Engl. "Call number") wird nicht für Archive (und in nahezu keinem Zitierstil) verwendet. Die Komplette Standortinformation im Archiv sollte im "Standort im Archiv" Feld angegeben werden
  • Welche der wenigen Zitierstile enthalten denn Signatur oder Standort im Archiv. Ich hab einige ausprobiert, aber keine gefunden.
  • Ich glaube alle Chicago Stile z.B.
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