Zotero for Macbook is SLOW for LARGE DOCUMENTS
I'm working on a PhD dissertation. So figure 70,000 words, 550 citations, 500 sources. I tried building the bibliography. Crashed multiple times. Gave up, and built the bibliography by copying and pasting about 15,000 words at a time, creating/refreshing the bibliography each time. It worked - but it was an inefficient process. Zotero - you need to improve performance with Mac. First, Macs are a very common OS for researchers. Second, claims that "Apple is closed" ring hollow when every other developer manages to build software for Mac with much higher performance demands. PS: I'm a paying Zotero user.
(And you pay for file storage & sync; Zotero itself is and has always been free).
omit author. it is taking 4-10 minutes… or more for each update for each citation! what’s going on? can anything be done? do i just have to break down the document into smaller bits?
Otherwise, making sure that automatically update citations is unchecked (Document Preferences) will help, but really it's basically infeasible to edit anything in a book/dissertation length document in Word for Mac, so splitting into chapters for anything but the final bib is the way to go, yes.
We're working with Microsoft on a new integration method that should speed things up in Word for Mac.