Short title - appears once and then only the author's name - CMOS 17

Dear all,
Hope all is well on your writings and collaborative work with Zotero. We have a little situation. We are working on a document using CMOS 17 full note.
The first time a document is cited, all the info is there. I will make up an example:
1. ILO, Securing Decent Work for Nursing Personnel and Domestic Workers, Key Actors in the Care Economy, ILC110/III/(B), 2022
Then, when the work is mentioned again, we get
2. ILO, Securing Decent Work for Nursing Personnel and Domestic Workers.
So far, so good. But when the document is cited a third (and so on) time(s) this is what we get:
3. ILO.
4. ILO.
This behaviour is aligned with CMOS 14.34: Shortened citations versus “ibid.” but the problem we have, at ILO, is that our documents cite hundreds of ILO documents, so just the author's name does not work for us. We would like subsequent references to continue showing the short title of the document. So we would like examples 3 and 4 to look:
3. ILO, Securing Decent Work for Nursing Personnel and Domestic Workers.
4. ILO, Securing Decent Work for Nursing Personnel and Domestic Workers.
How do we do this? I cant seem to find an easy way, only to edit the style.
Any ideas?
Thanks SO MUCH for all your help.
Best regards,
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