Saving from Firefox not working on iOS

edited December 8, 2023
This discussion was created from comments split from: BUG: iOS share to Zotero slow/fails to find item and import.
  • I am not sure to file new or post here @dstillman but but will start with latter first
    Iphone 12 pro
    iOS 17.1.2
    Firefox 120.3
    Zotero 1.0.24 build 222

    Attempts to add items to zotero result in the finding items icon spinning and never adding item
    Failed on all resources

    Copying same resources to safari the add to zotero works instantaneously without issue
  • Confirming that saving works fine on Chrome app under ios 17 as well
  • edited December 8, 2023
    You should almost always start a new thread. I've moved this to a new thread.

    I'm not sure what you're referring to here. You're talking about saving specifically via the Firefox iOS app? And Chrome and Safari work on the same URLs?

    Can you provide example URLs that aren't working?
  • Brought up in firefox app, then tried to share to zotero app to import into my zotero store.
    Worked in chrome and safari but not firefox
    I tried half a dozen other urls and none worked to import

  • Thanks for reporting @netbuoy. We've identified the problem and were able to fix it. The fix should be available soon!
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