Merging Duplicates for a scoping review- how do I know if my duplicates have been removed

Hello, I am using Zotero for a scoping review across 3 databases. I've imported search results into Zotero, with one folder for each database. (Ex.: Academic search complete n= 533; ERIC n= 263; PsychInfo n= 420 ).
I've read about merging duplicates as a superior option compared to deleting duplicates- so I have gone through the "duplicate items" tab on left, and merged items as needed.
When I go back to the Library with the Database results, I still see the same # of items. I thought that the "merging" would collapse items, thus making my n for each folder significantly lower.

Since this is for a systematic review, and I should report how many duplicates I have removed, I would need to know the new n once I've merged / resolved duplicates.

Any advice? Thank you. (as a doc student, this is my first time using Zotero and also first time conducting a systematic review) thank you!
  • edited November 27, 2023
    What you are calling "folders" are not directories but are more akin to music playlists. In Zotero these folders are called collections. That is, a single item can be in multiple collections. When an item from one collection is merged with an item from a different collection, the new combined/merged item will appear in both collections.

    Before merging you had two (or more) different items in your library. After the merge you will have only a single item that can be in as many or as few collections as you want.

    If you only want the item to be in one of your collections you can remove it from a collection or move it to a completely new collection. (Don't delete the item - just remove it from the collection(s)). If you delete the item in error it will still be in the trash bin until you empty the trash bin.


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