Firefox hangs on importing and linking references
Hi I am using Zotero 2.0b7.2 with Zotero OpenOffice Integration (3.0a3) and OpenOffice 3.1 on Ubuntu 9.04 and since I upgraded to this version of Zotero I have had regular firefox crashes. Everything works finr for about 10-15 mins - during which time I can import references, cite references etc no problems - then firefox freezes, goes grey and I have to end the process in system monitor to get things working again.
I have also noticed that using the "Link to file" feature seems to crash the browser. I'm not sure where to start in terms of error reports etc, but I'd be grateful for any help.
I have also noticed that using the "Link to file" feature seems to crash the browser. I'm not sure where to start in terms of error reports etc, but I'd be grateful for any help.
Also, it's important to use the correct terminology here. A crash is not the same as a freeze, and the former generally indicates a Firefox (or OS) bug. For the "Link to file" issue, do you mean a freeze or an application crash? Specific steps to reproduce would be helpful.
This hang occurred while I was linking a record to a file (using Firefox 3.5 on Ubuntu 9.04 with Zotero 2.0b7.2). These hangs have been occuring intermittently since upgrading to this version of Zotero. Please let me know if you need more info. Thanks.
zotero(5): Binding parameter 3 of type string: ""
zotero(2): Attachment file '/home/zeedok/.mozilla/firefox-3.5/6h2nlgr8.default/zotero/storage/FEXJ89ZT/Schneider and Mandelkow - 2008 - Tau-Based Treatment Strategies in Neurodegenerativ.pdf' not found
zotero(5): SELECT creatorTypeID AS id, creatorType AS name FROM itemTypeCreatorTypes NATURAL JOIN creatorTypes WHERE itemTypeID=? ORDER BY primaryField=1 DESC, name
zotero(5): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 4
zotero(3): Switching lastCreatorFieldMode to 0
zotero(3): Switching lastCreatorFieldMode to 0
zotero(5): Beginning DB transaction
zotero(3): Beginning Notifier event queue
zotero(5): SELECT linkMode FROM itemAttachments WHERE itemID=?
zotero(5): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 3703
zotero(5): SELECT path FROM itemAttachments WHERE itemID=?
zotero(5): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 3703
zotero(5): SELECT mimeType FROM itemAttachments WHERE itemID=?
zotero(5): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 3703
zotero(5): SELECT charsetID FROM itemAttachments WHERE itemID=?
zotero(5): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 3703
zotero(3): Running pdfinfo "/home/zeedok/Dropbox/Reading/Tau-Based Treatment Strategies in Neurodegenerative Diseases.pdf" "/home/zeedok/.mozilla/firefox-3.5/6h2nlgr8.default/zotero/storage/HRBWIXB4/.zotero-ft-info"
Should that resolve my issue - or should I delete pdfinfo??
I'll let you know in either case if the problem persists.
Thanks again.
Thanks again.
I'm re-awakening this thread as I'm having the problem of firefox freezing and creating a zombie process when I try to attach a pdf to a reference. By the latter I mean 'Attach stored copy of a file'. I haven't tried just linking. After a while this happens with every attempted attachment.
Most recent errors listed after re-starting Firefox (following kill -9 pid) are below. I have deleted the pdfinfo files and the problem persists.
Any help appreciated.
64 bit Ubuntu 9.04, Firefox 3.0.17, Zotero 2.0b7.6
(3)(+0000114): Cached 16 styles in 17 ms
(3)(+0000001): DATE: retrieved with algorithms: ({year:2008, month:8, day:16})
(3)(+0000000): DATE: retrieved with algorithms: ({year:2009, month:8, day:13})
(3)(+0000000): DATE: retrieved with algorithms: ({year:2009, month:8, day:28})
(3)(+0000000): DATE: retrieved with algorithms: ({year:2008, month:4, day:13})
(3)(+0000001): DATE: retrieved with algorithms: ({year:2008, month:4, day:13})
(3)(+0000001): DATE: retrieved with algorithms: ({year:2009, month:7, day:7})
(4)(+0000007): Translate: Binding sandbox to
(3)(+0000000): Translate: Searching for translators for an undisclosed location
(4)(+0000000): Translate: Parsing code for Zotero RDF
(4)(+0000002): Translate: Setting configure option getCollections to true
(4)(+0000000): Translate: Setting configure option dataMode to rdf
(4)(+0000000): Translate: Setting display option exportNotes to true
(4)(+0000000): Translate: Setting display option exportFileData to false
(4)(+0000000): Translate: Parsing code for MODS
(4)(+0000003): Translate: Setting display option exportNotes to true
(4)(+0000000): Translate: Setting configure option dataMode to xml/e4x
(4)(+0000000): Translate: Parsing code for Refer/BibIX
(4)(+0000001): Translate: Setting configure option dataMode to line
(4)(+0000000): Translate: Setting display option exportCharset to UTF-8
(4)(+0000000): Translate: Parsing code for RIS
(4)(+0000002): Translate: Setting configure option dataMode to line
(4)(+0000000): Translate: Setting display option exportNotes to true
(4)(+0000000): Translate: Setting display option exportCharset to UTF-8
(4)(+0000000): Translate: Parsing code for Unqualified Dublin Core RDF
(4)(+0000001): Translate: Setting configure option dataMode to rdf
(4)(+0000000): Translate: Parsing code for Wikipedia Citation Templates
(4)(+0000001): Translate: Setting display option exportCharset to UTF-8
(4)(+0000000): Translate: Parsing code for BibTeX
(4)(+0000007): Translate: Setting configure option dataMode to block
(4)(+0000000): Translate: Setting display option exportCharset to UTF-8
(5)(+0000004): SELECT key AS domainPath, value AS format FROM settings WHERE setting='quickCopySite' ORDER BY domainPath COLLATE NOCASE
(4)(+0004251): Registering observer for [collection,search,share,group,bucket] in notifier with hash 0e'
(5)(+0000001): SELECT itemTypeID AS id, typeName AS name FROM itemTypes WHERE display=2 ORDER BY typeName
(5)(+0000001): SELECT itemTypeID AS id, typeName AS name FROM itemTypes WHERE display=1 ORDER BY typeName