Zotero connect couldn't save snapshot

I've tried many web pages and I can't save a snapshot of the page, I can pull the page information but I can't generate a snapshot, it's a gray icon, what's the problem? Where is the problem? Software? Or browser?
  • @wangjq299

    I am not sure of the reason but the problem you mentioned happens sometimes either the snapshots take very long to be saved or not saved at all.
    I thought this is related to specific browsers or sites but I could not identify the reason.
    As a workaround, you can try one of the following methods:
    1-Try to open the page in another browser and save to Zotero..

    2- You can install an add-on to the browser to save the webpages as single files. If Zotero does not save the snapshot, you can use the add-on then drag or attach the file to Zotero item.

    3-If you do not want to use another browser or install additional add-on, you can save the page as html and then drag and drop the page as an attachment to the item (but the snapshot or attached file in Zotero will keep text only with no images and the page will not look the same as the original webpage). I have tried saving as mhtml but Zotero can not read them as snapshots.

    Hope this helps and thanks again for Zotero developers as saving snapshots and being able to annotate them in Zotero is a very valuable update in Zotero 7.
  • Thank you for your answer, the problem has been solved so far, it seems that the global translation plugin in chrome was affecting the snapshot?Anyway, turning off the plugin does generate a snapshot of the html!
  • But in most cases, the global translation is the reason I use snapshot... That is a problem.

    Currently, I have to save the translated website to mhtml.

    Strangely, snapshot is not always unavailable on the same publisher's website. I have checked the error console of Zotero (with all log level enabled) and the F12 console of Edge Chromium without any related errors.

    Is there any way to capture relevant logs?
  • edited January 15, 2024
    @Maolin_Zhang: I'm not sure what you mean here. Can you back up and explain the exact problem you're experiencing, and also provide an example URL?
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