'New Feed -> From URL...` does not accept any RSS feeds
No matter what RSS feed URL I post into the dialog that I get when following 'New Feed -> From URL...`, the `Save` button remains disabled. I tried it for example with `https://rsshub.app/zotero/versions` but also with many others.
Report ID: 243583257
Report ID: 243583257
dstillmanCan you provide a Debug ID (different from a Report ID) for an attempt that fails, after disabling all plugins and restarting Zotero?
deliusThanks for reminding me to disable plugins when experiencing problems. This problem has indeed gone away.
dstillmanIf you have time, you should re-enable them one by one, figure out which one was interfering, and report the problem to the plugin developer (and also let us know).
deliusIt was the PubPeer plugin. Have now reported it at https://github.com/PubPeerFoundation/pubpeer_zotero_plugin/issues/48.
deliusAnd I was premature even with that: Version 0.0.16 of that plugin no longer has the problem.