New stabikat (state library Berlin catalogue) not supported

The new stabikat does not seem to work with the Safari connector, is that correct?

Are there plans to include it in the future?
  • It doesn't work with Zotero at all. Do you know anything about the catalog? Is that completely home-built or any existing cataloging system?

    Looks like there's no access to MARC, which really is too bad for the quality of import we're going to be able to get.
  • The old stabikat worked just fine, and continues to do so, it is still available.

    I have no idea what system they use, but it is the biggest and most important library in Germany, so it would be good if it was supported...
  • The colleagues in Frankfurt and Munich would probably quibble with that assessment, but yes, we'll see what we can do. Ticket here:
  • Any news on this front? It is quite a drag since this is my main research library...
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