Questions about zotfile on Zotero 7-beta version

Zotfile is automatically disabled in Zotero 7 beta version.
When I tried to reinstall it, it says that this zotfile is not supported by the current version.
I uploaded from version 6 to 7 to be able to read epub file in Zotero. Epub cannot be read in version 6.
Is there any way to install zotfile in version 7?
  • edited October 29, 2023
    Zotfile will not work under Zotero 7.

    The options look to be @polygon 's zotero-file (which has worryingly disappeared from github in recent days, hopefully only temporarily) and zotmoov.

  • Thanks for your comment! Polygon's zotero-file has disappeared unfortunately.
    Do you know any add-ons that could allow syncing the files between different computers?
    I used zotfile for this function (right-click on the selected files, and choose Manage Attachments > Rename and Move) so that I can see files in the zotero of multiple computers. I am wondering if there is add-ons that could have the similar functions. Thanks for your time and answer again!
  • Currently using 7.0.0-beta.47+f012a348a on MacOS.

    If I right click on a PDF, there is the option to Rename File from Parent Metadata.

    Seems to happen automatically with PDF drag and drop, likely based on the following settings being enabled:

    General > File Handling
    - Automatically attach associated PDFs and other files when saving items
    - Automatically retrieve metadata for PDFs and ebooks

    > File Renaming
    Zotero automatically renames downloaded files based on the details of the parent item (title, author, etc.). You can choose to rename files added from your computer as well.
    - Automatically rename locally added files

    Not sure if this is the specific functionality you were interested in, but this was what was most important for me so I'm happy as a clam.
  • @trippleavitt Thanks. This option don’t work for me under linux.
  • You'd have to say more -- these should work reliably on all platforms, though they're sometimes misunderstood, see
  • @adamsmith Thanks for that clarification. I actually misunderstood this feature. Too bad in my case that it doesn't rename the file.
  • edited November 1, 2023
    @eporte: You still seem to be misunderstanding this. Those options absolutely rename the file. What they don't change is the attachment title, for reasons explained in the linked thread.

    If you're having trouble with something, please start a new thread and provide more details.
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