Search for file system folder name (like "WHN48C42") or PDF filename

edited October 27, 2023
I use a program that performs a full-text search over the entire Zotero folder and already shows me the corresponding text snippets and contexts for each PDF. This way I can find the corresponding PDFs very quickly.
I then want to open them in Zotero. This is where my problem arises: my full-text search program gives me the file name of the PDF or the folder name. The folder name in Zotero is an ID. I would like to enter one of the two into the search box:
Entering the folder ID in the search box: no result.
Entering the PDF filename in the search box: no result.

Here is another screenshot explaining the whole thing:


  • edited October 27, 2023
    Search for "All Fields & Tags" (or "Everything").

    Edit: I saw the OP's edit, but I tested on both Zotero 6 and Zotero 7 beta, on both macOS and Ubuntu. And it definitively works.
  • edited October 27, 2023
    My Zotero-Version was up to date. I still reinstalled Zotero again. And now it works. Whatever had gotten stuck there....
  • Sometimes, a simple restart solves all the problems. Happy to see it now works.
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