Screenshot taken by Snipaste cannot sync across devices

My os is windows. I create a note in zotero, using Snipaste (a screenshot software) to get screenshot and paste it to inner markdown note. It works well in my current computer. However, when I go to another computer it seems that the image cannot sync successfully, which shows as a large blank. How can I deal it with convenient method?
  • Is the other computer running Zotero 6?

    Do you see the image in the web library?

    What's the URL when viewing the item in the web library?
  • Q: Is the other computer running Zotero 6?
    A: Yes, the same version.

    Q: Do you see the image in the web library?
    A: I can only see the image last synced on current computer, neither do screenshot taken by another computer nor newly image on current computer.

    Q: What's the URL when viewing the item in the web library?
    A: URL of visible image is something like "…3dbb2a095a314b744851829a6d7b51694bb8833/image.png"
    However, the blank image is html
    without URL.

    Besides, when opening note with broken image in web library, it hints me that "Received error from Zotero server: Not found."
  • edited June 23, 2023
    That’s not a URL. I’m just asking for the URL after clicking on the note in the items list.
  • edited June 23, 2023
    But in general, you should just see Files Not Syncing and debug the problem on your other computer, and provide the info requested there if you're still having trouble.
  • Is this the URL?
    sorry for my poor understanding.
    I think the key problem is that I don't know how Zotero note cites my image. There's no any link hints when clicking my image which origins from screenshot taken by Snipaste. or maybe I don't know how Snipaste stores image from screenshot.
  • I met the same issue, I paste the screenshot image on my computer A, click sync button, but I can not seet the screesshot image at computer B and web library, where does zotero store the notes and its image locally ?
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