LaunchBar Actions

I posted two LaunchBar actions to work with Zotero attachments on Github if anyone is interested:
  • edited May 22, 2023
    Hi! I am working on a new much improved action. If you are interested, the link above should still work. /cc @dstillman
  • This looks great, thanks for sharing! How do you use it now (which use cases) and with zotero 7?
  • I mostly use the LaunchBar action for quick access to pdfs and websites I use for research.
    Using the LaunchBar action most of the time I don't even need to have Zotero running.
    This used to be a bigger incentive before Zotero 7, because Zotero could use it sweet time to launch. But even with a more responsive Z7 I still prefer to use the LB interface, especially because you cannot navigate search results just with your keyboard in the Zotero interface.

    Another use of the action is adding links to entries in my research notes. Although I don't do that as much.

    Ideally I would like to also use it for citing in papers … including respecting citations styles and generating an automated bibliography. But this would require a lot of work and right now the benefit of that does not justify the time investment for me.
  • Thank you, it makes me want to try out LB!
  • I just pushed a small update. The action now respects the Zotero (7) setting for opening PDFs. I also adjusted the icon to match the style of version 7.
  • I wrote a little about browsing with LaunchBar, using the Zotero action as an example. This is probably helpful if you want to know why you would want to use it.
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