Google Advanced Protection - can Zotero get verified?
Like others, I've just been bitten by Google's Advanced Protection locking me out of using Zotero with Google Docs.
On the error screen, it says:
> If you want to allow Zotero Google Docs Integration access to your data, you can get in touch with the app developer and encourage them to submit the app for verification.
So, this is me asking if you can submit the app for verification? Or is there another workaround?
I've tried enabling Google Docs Integration v2, but that didn't work either.
On the error screen, it says:
> If you want to allow Zotero Google Docs Integration access to your data, you can get in touch with the app developer and encourage them to submit the app for verification.
So, this is me asking if you can submit the app for verification? Or is there another workaround?
I've tried enabling Google Docs Integration v2, but that didn't work either.
I've temporarily removed advanced protection (paper due in a couple of weeks!!) but I'll give the workaround a go later.
Re: the workaround, it's possible that since that thread they've changed it to no longer allow things that were allowed when the protection was disabled, but you can try.
Beginning September 30, 2024: third-party apps that use only a password to access Google Accounts and Google Sync will no longer be supported -