Transparent (desktop) or smaller (iOS) comment icons
Would it be possible to make the icon that indicates the presence of an annotation comment transparent? As currently implemented, the opaque icon can obscure text and make the document difficult to read.
Is it as simple as modifying the svg path element here?
I think most people just aren't highlighting math equations like this in a way where this is much of a problem. For normal text, the icon is pretty small and unobtrusive, and we place it in a way where it's usually mostly between lines.
I think 1) most apps use opaque icons, 2) most apps use much larger icons than we do for this, but 3) some apps do try to place the icon off to the side, outside the text. It's possible we could do something like that.
However, I noticed that the icon in the iOS app (1.0.6) obscures more text than the desktop app (6.0.15 on Linux):
Would it be possible to make these consistent, preferably by reducing the size of the icons in the iOS app?
(Mac app)
In the desktop app, the note icon (yellow) gets larger as you zoom in so its proportion to the annotation comment icons remains the same:
In the iOS app, the note icon (purple) remains the same size as you zoom in. As such, it becomes much smaller than the annotation comment icons when zoomed in:
As an aside, I'm not sure why the note icon is yellow in the desktop app and purple in iOS. It was created in iOS.
I just wanted to bump the same request for iOS, where the problem is worse due to the larger icons and different placement (in the desktop app, the bottom-right of the icon overlaps the highlighted region while in iOS there is no overlap).