Save everything but the PDF when using Save to Zotero on arXiv

I browse arXiv with Chrome. When I'm on an abstract page and I click on the Save to Zotero Chrome extension, with Zotero Desktop open in the background, it saves all the metadata to My Library, as well as the PDF. I don't want to save the PDF automatically. Is it possible? Actually, what I really want is to avoid PDFs being automatically saved on the cloud (Zotero Storage) thus wasting my storage. I only want to upload PDFs I specifically want to upload to Zotero Storage. Is there a way?
  • edited October 9, 2023
    You can disable PDF saving from the General pane of the Zotero settings.

    There's not currently a way to configure that at save time in the Connector, but we may make that possible in the future.
  • Thanks! You mean the setting "Automatically attach associated PDFs and other files when saving items", correct?

    It would be great to be be able to disable it at save time in the Connector. Please consider adding this feature.
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