Missing DOI in Word Bibliography

I installed the Add-on DOI MANAGER in Zotero and enabled it in that section, then I copied and pasted an article DOI through the section where you can add ISBN, DOI, PMIDs, arXiv IDs, etc. when you add a reference. Everything is complete in the information section (right side) inside ZOTERO Program.

In WORD I especified to provide all the details in the Bibliography. However it doesn't appear DOI field in the references.

Can someone help me with that issue please?
  • Whether a DOI appears is a question of the citation style. Which are you using?
  • Whether the DOI appears or not is controlled by the citation style. What style are you using?
  • I already solved the problem, a few minutes later I tried with a different citation style (I changed it in ZOTERO) and selected the same citation style in WORD too (IN Document Preferences Zotero section in WORD). Maybe somebody else has the same problem.

    I was using a brazilian style: ABNT

    Thank you anyways, but I see that there aren't especific Brazilian styles versions included.
  • Thank you anyways, but I see that there aren't especific Brazilian styles versions included.
    Can you elaborate on what you mean? Many styles in the Zotero Style Repository can be used in Brazilian Portuguese, and there are many Brazilian journals with styles in the repository.

    Is there a specific style your looking for?
  • ABNT NBR 6023:2018
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