Modifying Wikipedia citation template style
I would like to modify the output of Zotero for "Wikipedia citation template", e.g. using short journal title, only year for date, and initials only for author first names. What is the proper way to do it? Since the preferences may differ between different fields or persons, I guess I have to maintain a local style. As I understand, this export format is not citation style but something deeper in Zotero. Is it possible to modify it?
For now I see only option to create a separate citation style from scratch. Any other suggestions?
For now I see only option to create a separate citation style from scratch. Any other suggestions?
Can I create new translator (not to be overwritten by future Zotero updates) and make it appear in corresponding Zotero menu as another export option? Or I can only modify the current one and patch it again every time it is updated?