DOI import not working
I've added hundreds of papers to zotero via manually imputing the DOI, but suddenly zotero won't add any more. I'm not out of storage--I have lots. Any recommendations? Thanks.
I've added hundreds of papers to zotero via manually imputing the DOI, but suddenly zotero won't add any more. I'm not out of storage--I have lots. Any recommendations? Thanks.
adamsmithAre you still having trouble? It looks like CrossRef, the largest provider of DOI metadata, had some issues at about the time you posted, but they look like they're back and import is working for me.
ZorozeroSometimes it stops importing or it takes a minute or two and will then show up. Do not insert DOI multiple times, otherwise you have duplications appearing. "hundreds" sounds successful.
sarahrozanskiIt started working again! Thanks--seems like it was a temporary issue.