Can't add non-consecutive page numbers to citation

This discussion was created from comments split from: can't cite same reference with different page numbers.
  • hello, I have a problem that's different but in the same realm - working on Word on mac, when I add a citation and add a page number to it inside the Zotero red box, everything is fine if I add a single page or a section (e.g. 13-18). When I try to add pages that are not consecutive (e.g. 13,54,75) only the first one enters into the notes and the others stay out - any clue on how to fix this? thx a lot!
  • Put spaces after the commas to denote multiple non-consecutive pages. After that, it should just work. If not, what citation style are you using?
  • it works! I had to click on the reference and add them on the additional pop-up box rather than just write them on the redbox, it that makes sense - I can't add them straight away on the redbox but need to click on the reference and add them on the other pop-up anycase it's solved! thx for your help :) I'm working with Chicago style 17th...
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