DOI field required for all Item Types.

I've noticed that several Item Types don't have a DOI field (for example, Manuscript). DOI is so commonly used these days it would be useful to have this everywhere.

  • A DOI field will be added to all types in a future version. For now, you can enter these in Extra like this:
    DOI: 10.1234/56789

    That will get picked up for citations.
  • Hey @bwiernik, when the DOI field does eventually get added for all item types in the future, will Zotero automatically take the DOI from the Extra field and put it in the DOI field? Also, will there will be a separate field for shortDOIs? I've found this useful in some situations, but definitely don't want to replace the longer, complete DOI in the DOI field.
  • will Zotero automatically take the DOI from the Extra field and put it in the DOI field?
    will there will be a separate field for shortDOIs?
    I would say probably no, but I don't think the exact nature and handling of identifiers in the field update has been decided -- it's definitely not been communicated in any way beyond the core dev team (to which neither bwiernik nor I belong).
  • The DOI Foundation has indicated that they no longer really support shortDOI. Existing shortDOIs will continue to work, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the service to make new shortDOIs went away.

    That said, at some point I will get around to updating the DOI Manager plugin to store shortDOIs in Extra.

  • Hi. I'm confused, will the DOI field be added to all types or not? Is it still necessary to enter everything manually still?
  • Yes it will be added. Not sure what you mean by "enter everything manually" -- that doesn't seem related to the DOI question.
  • Is this change still planned?
  • Any specifics on when the DOI field will be added other item types?
  • I approve the plan, thanks in advance !
  • Any timeline for when the DOI field will be added for other item types?
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