View tagged text across documents?
I searched the forum and documentation and didn't see an answer, so I'm hoping someone can give me direction on this question.
In a nutshell, I have a number of PDFs with highlighted, tagged text. It's very straightforward to open any given PDF and filter by tag, but is there a way to review all instances of highlighted text for a tag across multiple documents?
I searched the forum and documentation and didn't see an answer, so I'm hoping someone can give me direction on this question.
In a nutshell, I have a number of PDFs with highlighted, tagged text. It's very straightforward to open any given PDF and filter by tag, but is there a way to review all instances of highlighted text for a tag across multiple documents?
I'm currently highlighting a few segments of text in multiple files and using the same tag. Hopefully in the future I can easily scroll through all of these segments of text across multiple PDFs.
"Select All" in your library, right click > "Create Note from Annotations"