Mis-clicking the unlink citation button

Unlink citation is a very good feature, but if we accidentally click this button before the paper is finalized, it will cancel the links in the document in advance, which is not what the writer wants.

I hope that the unlink citation button can be folded into the secondary menu, so as to reduce the probability of mis-clicking unlink citation when clicking refresh. And when it is used, it automatically saves the original document as a new document, and then performs the unlink citation function in the new document.

I sincerely hope that there will be such an adjustment, thank you very much!
  • edited August 29, 2023
    if we accidentally click this button before the paper is finalized, it will cancel the links in the document in advance
    No, that's not true. You have to click Unlink Citations, click through the confirmation dialog, and then save and close your document.

    A future version of the plugin may be able to move that option to a menu, but if you cancel the confirmation dialog or don't save the document (or undo the changes), you won't lose anything.
  • Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I will apply the several tips you have provided, and look forward to some adjustments in the new version!
  • what is the point of unlinking?
  • Mainly two:
    1. It prevents any updating by Zotero of bibliography or citations, so if you want to make any manual edits at the end (especially to the bibliography), you'll want to make them after unlinking (though always unlink citations in a copy of the document so you have a version with live citations).
    2. It's either recommended or required by many journals and style guides before submission of a manuscript, as Zotero (and other) fields can interfere with publishing and manuscript management systems.
  • This is why I love Zotero. Thank you for this quick reply.

    I was worrying about how to get rid of court case references in my bibliography. So, i'll copy my final work somewhere before I unlink and then I will unlink and delete the court cases.

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