440 papers imported out of expected 2144 during migration

I'm trying to import this list (migrating from Paperpile), but Zotero import is showing 440 entries instead of 2144 entries expected, any tips how to get my entire library?

  • There are a few entries with sequences that are breaking Zotero's import — specifically, {\} appears in a few titles without a \ before the first {. I'm not sure why those are there or what the correct behavior would be, but Zotero's translator will skip the rest of the file once it gets to the { character.

    Issue created, but for now you can fix those entries manually and the import should go through (though I didn't test the whole file with those fixed, so there could be other problems). It's also possible that the Better BibTeX plugin can handle this.
  • This is an automatically generated file, so it's a bit hard to go through 2144 entries to fix issues manually. Also, editing autogenerated files manually is not straightforward for people on mobile devices. IE, I'm on IPad right now, and it doesn't let me edit the .bib directly.

    Thanks for filing the issue, I will monitor it for updates
  • edited August 27, 2023
    You don't need to go through 2144 entries — I told you exactly what the problem is, which appears in three entries. It would take 30 seconds to fix it on a computer. There are text editors for iOS, though obviously that's a little more complicated. But there's no reason you should be waiting for us to import here. Any change we made here would just be to make Zotero a bit more forgiving of invalid BibTeX, but this is a bug in Paperpile's BibTeX output.
  • (But I don't even understand what you're saying here. You're importing to Zotero on the desktop, right? So what does this have to do with iOS?)
  • I guess I'm just lazy :)

    I've been waiting for Paperpile to add ability to edit notes on my IPad for the last 1.5 years, they didn't, so now I'm going through all other reference managers to see if there's a better one to transition to
  • After editing "Bayesian" field manually, I can import up to 997 entries out of 2144
  • Again, there are three affected entries.
  • How do I find the affected entries in a text editor?
  • OK, replacing all "{\} " with "" I now get 2052 entries out of 2144
  • That's from more unbalanced braces:

  • Is there some automatic way to find all unbalanced braces?

    These are all seem to be articles from citeulike->paperpile bibtex transition, so paperpile .bibtex import is able to handle this kind of syntax without aborting the rest of the import
  • Just fix what I said to fix. After that you'll get 2144 items.
  • edited August 29, 2023
    These are all seem to be articles from citeulike->paperpile bibtex transition, so paperpile .bibtex import is able to handle this kind of syntax without aborting the rest of the import
    No, that doesn't follow. Judging by their online converters, Paperpile does appear to handle this invalid BibTeX (which makes sense, given that they also produce it), but CiteULike could have included all sorts of gibberish in fields and it could still have been encoded as valid BibTeX. This is just data in your Paperpile library, which has nothing to do with BibTeX — you could have typed it in manually. The only thing relevant here is that Paperpile is generating invalid BibTeX when you export your library.

    It's also not a given what the correct import behavior is. It probably makes sense to try to detect an unclosed brace, in the name of Postel's law, but we need to investigate whether the correct behavior is specified anywhere and/or what the main BibTeX programs do. That's why this isn't necessarily an immediate fix and why I said you shouldn't wait for us to do the import.
  • edited August 31, 2023
    In my library, the title appears as -- "Why isn't everyone a \Bayesian}? With discussion...", so the second curly brace } is intepreted as user text, not as a control character
    And Paperpile is mauling that on export. When you compile the entry from the bib file you posted you get compilation errors and the output

    Efron, B. (1986), ‘Why isn’t everyone a }? With discussion and a reply by the author’, The
    American statistician 40(1), 1–11.

    Instead Paperpile should have translated that title to

    title = {Why Isn't Everyone a \textbackslash{Bayesian}\vphantom\{\}? {With} Discussion...},

    or something equivalent.

    The upshot is if bibtex matters to you, don't use paperpile.
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