Feature request: document library management
Can you change the folder management mode of the document library to windows file management system? Sort the file order according to your needs, and you can add favorites or stars to modify the priority of sorting (top)
You can use the Sorting functionalities to sort according to your needs.
You can use Colored Tags to add a star in front of the title field in the library center pane (just use ⭐ as a tag and make it a Colored Tag) and then use The Tag Selector to filter by this tag.
If you want to get more functionalities with custom star ratings, you can try the
Zotero Tag plugin or the Zotero Special Tags column plugin.
If you feel that some specific functionalities are missing for your workflow, you can explain in details what you want to achieve and someone in the forums may give some suggestions how this can be done already, or may be implemented in the future developments of Zotero.
Also note that the developpers have mentioned that: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/comment/386702/#Comment_386702