Citation style misbehaving!?

1.) Not sure if the Zotero forums is the right place to discuss citation style issues - albeit it has been done many times previously.
2.) If it is: APA 7 takes citations that on the surface look exactly what they are ie "journal articles" and seemingly randomly does the following.
Either (doi = 10.1186/s12877-019-1306-9):
- In BMC Geriatrics (30.10.2019, Vol. 19, Issue 1, p. 295)
Or (doi = 10.1177/160940690600500304):
- International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 5(3), 12–23
See the difference? The first one goes with "In ..." and puts the volume, issue bits in parenthesis, the second one does it as it should be.
I've played around with the style on and the first one gets formatted as it does because the else-if condition sets it to be of "paper-conference" type. But there in no indication that it is if you look into the native e.g. json.
Any ideas?
  • I'm not following, but importing those 2 DOIs via the magic wand and outputting them via APA7, just works. It's not an issue with the citation style as long as the item type is correct (journal article) and the metadata is available. I'm not sure why you're mentioned paper conference?

    APA output

    How and where are you generating the citations?
    Also, make sure you have nothing in your extra field.
  • There's that last sentence of yours "Also, make sure you have nothing in th extra field." - so short and yet so intruiging ...
    That's what did the trick - empty the extra field! Now its no longer "misbehaving" and producing:
    - International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 5(3), 12–23
    But why??? Just wondering if I missed some obvious documentation.
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