Functional suggestion

thanks for the useful zotero tool! here i encounter one issue is that i cant get the float comment box with the left sidebar together when i was reading. i am suggesting that would you add one switch that can give users a float comment box (same with the one when you hide the left sidebar in the pdf reader) with the left sidebar pinned? thats should be more effecient when we are reading and giving comments.
thanks for your efforts!
  • The sidebar and the annotation popup are mutually exclusive by design — they're just two different ways of working. It's the exact same annotation widget that appears either way. If you have the sidebar open, clicking on an annotation selects it in the sidebar. If the sidebar is closed, it opens the annotation in the popup. Showing them both doesn't make sense — there'd just be two copies of the annotation widget on screen at once.
  • @dstillman thank you for your time! i fully got your point. while, the reason why i request this function is that i use the quite big screen sometimes for better reading experience, however, it feel not smooth when i comment at the left sidebar. when i hide the bar, the comment comes smooth but it is not convenient to use the other sidebar function. So, thats the motivation for this request~ anyway thanks for your reply. i appreciate this tool.
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