Dealing with the 'Extra' field

Hi, I am struggling with the 'extra' field.
I have to say that I am a novice about CSL but so far managed to modify the styles to suit my need. But now I am working with a style that pulls the information from the 'extra' field and I can not find it in my style to remove that. I don't want whatever is displayed in 'extra' to show up in my bibliography.
How can I remove this field from my style?
Thanks a lot for helping out a novice with this
  • What don't you want from Extra? Zotero stores certain fields there that don't yet have official fields, but it generally should be valid data that belongs in citations.
  • If you just want to delete the information in "Extra", you can check this link for some help:
  • To clarify: when I added the citations to zotero, a lot of random data was stored in the 'extra' field. I don't mind it being there, but the current style I am pulls these data into the bibliography. But in the CSL of the style there is not field called 'extra'. I want to delete from the style but can not find it. Thanks a lot
  • edited July 26, 2023
    And I'm asking what data you're referring to. Again, Zotero puts valid citable data in Extra, and you shouldn't just blindly remove it or omit it from a style.
  • for example, publisher information, which should not be included in the required bibliography style for a journal
  • edited July 26, 2023
    Can you just give us an actual example? The data you have, the bibliography entry you're getting, and what you expect?

    The citation style should be coded to put the correct data in the citation, regardless of whether the data is in an actual field or in Extra. If something's not working, we want to know about it so it can be fixed properly.
  • It'd still be helpful to get the answers to the questions above to see if Zotero is importing something it shouldn't, but the basic answer to the question is that data entered as key: value (e.g.: publisher: SAGE) into the Extra field is passed on to citation styles as regular variables. There's no distinction between those variables and variables that come straight from Zotero fields (so no need to exclude them), so your only options are to
    a) remove them from Zotero or
    b) exclude them from citation styles, along the lines of

    <if type="article-journal article-newspaper" match="none">
    <text variable="publisher"/>
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