Refresh error message

Hi, I am using Zotero 7.0.0-beta.17+8017b2ab1 (64-bit) on Windows 11, with Office 365 Word Version 2306.

In Zotero I added a new reference. In Word (docx) I inserted the citation but I had omitted adding the date, so I added the date in Zotero, went back to Word, clicked refresh on the Zotero menu and got a message "XML Parsing Error: no root element found Location: chrome://zotero/content/integration/progressBar.x Line Number 1, Column 1:". The citation did update (changed correctly from n.d. to 2019).

Word and Zotero are still working, just letting you know.

cheers, Al

  • Can you reproduce this? If so, can you provide a Report ID?
  • Yes, and yes. ReportID 249681564

    I just added the URL to my reference for the bp 2023 Energy Outlook (no URL previously). My browser is Firefox 115.0.2 (64-bit). I do not have Chrome installed. After adding the URL to the record I clicked refresh in Word and got the same error message.

    I am a huge Zotero fan so don't hesitate to let me know how I can help.

    cheers, Al
  • We're not able to reproduce this. Can you still reproduce this in the current beta?
  • No, just tried again and it worked fine. I documented the steps or future reference - I don't see a way to attach them or I'd send them to you. I can just keep them in case it reappears.

    Just to recap:
    - I receive an email (web magazine) with a web link to an online article
    - Open web link, save web article in Zotero
    - add citation to Word docx as APA7
    - Add citation in Word
    - back to Zotero, add new attribute in citation
    - in Word, click Refresh

    Previously, that's when the error occurred. Not this time.

    Thanks for your efforts.

    cheers, Al
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