Feature Request: Add ability to sort by name and publication date in Zotero Connector Item Selector

The Zotero Connector Item Selector sorts items in the same order they appear on the page. Sometimes the items are not ordered chronologically or by title. It can be quite tedious to find the desired items e. g. when trying to import the latest issues.

I think adding sorting options for the title or publication date to the item selector would greatly improve its usability.
  • edited July 3, 2023
    I think sorting by title is in principle doable.

    The selector has only two columns: the selection boxes and "title" (technically, whatever text the author of the translator put in there to help identification). There's no column for date, and the date info is often unavailable from the page where a "multiple" can be identified by the translator. Therefore it would be difficult to do this in a generic manner.

    For your need to get the "latest issue", have you tried using Zotero as an RSS feed reader? Often on the website of the publication there would be a feed for the latest issue (example: https://www.pnas.org/about/rss - "Current Issue Only"). If a feed is available, you can add it by the "New Library" icon -> "New Feed" -> "From URL...".
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