Pdf file does not open in zotero


Double-clicking on a pdf file in Zotero opens in the web browser instead of internally in Zotero. Do you know how to change this behavior?

  • If this is happening for all files, that would happen if you changed the default PDF reader in the General pane of the Zotero settings.
  • Zotero preference is well setup apriori.

  • I don't know what you mean by that.
  • I mean that in the preference page of Zotero, I checked the box to say I want to open pdf file with Zotero. However, when double-clicking on a pdf file linked to a Zotero reference, it opens in the Windows default pdf editor.
  • With what kind of URL? A file:// URL or an http(s):// URL?
  • Can you provide a Debug ID for reproducing this?
  • My mistake... sorry, I understand now what happened and my error. I though it was pdf file due to their name, but it was hyperlinks instead. Sorry for disturbing you.
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