Comment restaurer dans Word sur Mac l'onglet Zotero disparu ?

Bonjour, Microsoft vient d'interrompre mon abonnement étudiant gratuit à Word. Dans l'urgence (soutenance de mon mémoire de Master 2), j'ai pris un abonnement payant à Office 365. J'ai réinstallé Zotero sur mon Mac. Je n'ai heureusement pas perdu ma bibliothèque. Le problème est que l'onglet Zotero a disparu du bandeau en haut de la page Word. Je ne sais donc plus comment faire pour mettre à jour et/ou corriger mes documents Word en ce qui concerne Zotero. J'ai consulté les différents forums mais retraité en reprise d'études j'ai un très faible niveau informatique et ma compréhension de l'anglais technique est limitée. Un grand merci d'avance à qui voudra bien m'aider d'urgence dans ce moment difficile. Très cordialement à tous Gilles
  • See Zotero Toolbar Doesn't Appear, and if you're still having trouble let us know exactly what you tried, in your own words, and what happened at each step.
  • Thank you so much for your quick answer ! To be sure to be understood, allow me to insist on the following points : during 5 yars I had free access to Window thanks to my university. So Zotero was visible on the dock of my mac and on the Word ribbon. The day before yesterday, Microsoft stopped my free accesss without any warning , in the middle of exams ! So I payed to get access to office 365. Now I have still Zotero on my Mac (with a complete library untouched, thank god !) but Zotero does not appear any more in the Word ribbon.
    I followed each and every step recommanded by the paragraph "Zotero toolbar doesn't appear " :
    1- I closed Word
    2- I went to the Cite pane of the Zotero preferences : i did not find any Word Processor tab.
    3- I went to tools and cliked the "enable" button
    4- I still do not see any plugin in Adds-on even after having re-download Zotero several times
    5- i do not understand where is exactly my Zotero profile directory and how i can get access to it.
    I do not know what to do to get access to Zotero on Word which is vital for me
    Thank you so muche in adavance for your help !
  • I went to the Cite pane of the Zotero preferences : i did not find any Word Processor tab.
    There's always a Word Processors tab in the Cite pane, so not sure what you mean by this.

    Can you take a screenshot of what you're looking at, upload it somewhere (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.), and provide a link here?
  • Unfortunatly, my poor level of english does not allow me to fully understand your useful comments. Luckuly, the Zotero team of my university found the solution to my problem ! Anyhow, thankyou so much for your kind help !
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