Bibliography, clickable hyperlinks


I use Zotero with LibreOffice.
My bibliography contains URL addresses.

Is it possible to modify the CSL file so that these URLs become clickable hyperlinks?



J'utilise Zotero avec LibreOffice.
Ma bibliographie contient des adresses URL.

Est-il possible de modifier le fichier CSL pour que ces adresses URL deviennent des hyperliens cliquables ?
  • After you are finished writing, unlink the citations in the document from the Zotero toolbar in LibreOffice. Then, select all of the text in the bibliography and run AutoFormat (I believe from
    the Tools menu in LO). If you can’t find the AutoFormat function, type a space after each URL to format them into live links
  • No, CSL/Zotero cannot do that.
    I'd you search here in the forum though you'll find a few descriptions and macros on how to achieve that.
  • @bwiernik : why do you advise me to unlik the citations ? My document is alive! I'd like to change it later. The disadvantage of this method: you have to remember to recreate the links as soon as the bibliography is updated.

    @damnation : you advise me to search about the macros of CSL files or the macros of LibreOffice ?
  • why do you advise me to unlik the citations ? My document is alive! I'd like to change it later.
    Because of what you say next -- if you do this in a live document, any changes you make to the bibliography will just be overwritten on the next refresh. I'd do the unlinking of citations & auto format in a copy of the document, but that's the only way to get hyperlinks in the bibliography. There's no way to get them to stay in a document with live citations.
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