Developers, please don't go Mendeley route

Dear Zotero developers, I am a new user, having been a happy user of Mendeley Desktop for over a decade. I have had to abandon Mendeley RM since the product went totally cloud-based and support for Mendeley Desktop will be discontinued shortly. I am based in a country with unreliable power, and therefore internet, and can't have a purely cloud-based ref manager. I also just like having the pdfs on my machine, with a standardized file name format. The loss of advanced search functionality was also a deal-breaker for me. So my plea to Zotero developers is: please don't go the Mendeley route by aiming for an entirely web/cloud-based reference manager. If that configuration becomes inevitable in the future, please still maintain the desktop version. From what I read on various forums, I'm certainly not the only who has switched to Zotero for this reason. Thanks for all your hard work!
  • edited June 9, 2023
    Zotero will definitely never go cloud-only. Being able to use Zotero completely offline without any sort of account is a core value of Zotero.
  • Music to my ears! Thank you.
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