Same author, same yeah, alphabetical order - Même auteur, même année - apparitition alphabétique

(French below)
I have several articles and books from the same author, same year (Berque, 2017). My supervisor just told me it's inadequate if the first time the author appear, it's not the letter "a".
In fact, in my text, the first time I quote Berque, its (Berque, 2017d). I guess Zotero choose automatically the letters and not in a sort of "alphabetical ordering" to make it coherent for the reader. Who knows how I can change, so that 2017a, 2017b, 2017c appear BEFORE 2017d ? Is my supervisor too demanding, and in general, nobody really minds? thanks!

J'ai plusieurs sources du même auteur et même année (berque, 2017) et mon directeur de thèse m'a fait remarqué que c'était étrange que 2017d arrive avant les autres lettres. Je ne sais pas comment Zotero fait son choix de lettre. Comment faire pour que 2017a apparaisse avant les autres lettres (2017b, c, d) ?

Est-ce que c'est l'ordre alphabétique est toujours respecté ou est-ce une "bizarrerie" assez commune que tout le monde laisse?
  • This behavior must result from the rules of the bibliographic style.

    You are probably using a bibliographic style that sorts references in alphabetical order in the reference list (e.g. APA).

    This is different from a bibliographic style that sorts references by order of mention in the text (e.g. "Vancouver").

    If so, I would bet that 2017a, 2017b, 2017c correspond to the alphabetical order of titles in the reference list.
  • Yes. It's also explicitly correct for APA style. It's possible to change it in a given citation style and we can tell you how, but there's nothing unusual about
    a) sorting the bibliography alphabetically (here, by title when author and year are the same) and
    b) assigning the a, b, c suffix based on the order of items in the bibliography
  • Thank you very much for those clarifications. I would like to add a comment on that. I think I was confused also because by using APA 7th, the different sources with the same author, same date, were not being sorted alphabetically in the reference list. I tried with APA 6th and it worked. Finally, I could make it work also with APA 7th by removing the day and month in the "date" section. Is there any problem with APA 7th when those pieces of information (day, month) are automatically added in Zotero ?
  • Can you give an example of two items that weren’t sorting correctly ?
  • Voici un exemple avec 2 références semi-fictives disponibles sur

    American Psychological Association 7th edition

    Brown, C. (2022a). Madagascar’s fire regimes challenge global assumptions about landscape degradation. Global Change Biology, 28(23), 6944‑6960.
    Brown, C. (2022b). Epistemic communities in political ecology : Critical deconstruction or radical advocacy? Journal of Political Ecology, 29(1).


    American Psychological Association 6th edition

    Brown, C. (2022a). Epistemic communities in political ecology : Critical deconstruction or radical advocacy? Journal of Political Ecology, 29(1).
    Brown, C. (2022b). Madagascar’s fire regimes challenge global assumptions about landscape degradation. Global Change Biology, 28(23), 6944‑6960.

    C'est seulement après un « nettoyage » du contenu du champ « Date » (en supprimant le mois et le jour importés automatiquement dans Zotero) que l'on obtient une liste triée selon les normes APA avec le style 7th
  • yeah, the APA 7 CSL sorts by the full date, even if that's not cited -- @bwiernik, are you sure that's correct? That does seem confusing (and conceptually bad).
  • Le problème semble avoir été résolu. Merci !
  • Yes, sorry for not posting here. We updated the APA7 style.
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