求助帖:zotero如何不同电脑切换(不适用网络,仅是U盘)Help post: how to switch between different computers in zotero (not ap



我的endnote-x9的库放到一个单独的文件夹中,如果出门了,使用 FreeFileSync软件,把台式机的东西和U盘同步一下,然后用笔记本了,再把U盘和笔记本电脑的文件同步一下。
















Let's start with the status quo:

I use endnote-x9, a desktop computer, a notebook; go out notebook, usually the main desktop computer.

Put my endnote-x9 library in a separate folder. If you go out, use FreeFileSync software to synchronize the things on your desktop with your USB flash drive, then use your laptop, and then synchronize the files on your USB flash drive with your laptop.

This solves the problem of synchronization between the two computers.

It is said that zotero is easy to use, but the pain point of synchronization is all nut clouds and so on. What if you can't surf the Internet? How to synchronize locally?

I thought it was the same as endnote, but I found that it was not. The sequence of zotero library and library are not in the same place.

Explain the above words:

My computer A-dint endnote is installed on D disk; documents, etc. are installed on E disk.

My computer BJ endnote is installed on C disk; documents, etc. are installed on F disk.

When I go out, I just need to synchronize the E drive with the flash drive I have with me, and then synchronize the flash drive to the F drive when I use it.

The display of the two computers is the same, because the endnote library contains categories and so on.

But I found that zotero is not:

My computer "A" zotero is installed on disk D; documents and so on are installed on disk E.

My computer BBJ zotero is installed on disk C, and the literature is installed on disk F.

The same method won't work.

I analyzed it, only by myself (if there is a mistake, please correct it): the library management file of zotero should be on disk D, that is, the disk of the installer.

So computer B can only read the things on disk C. if you update it on computer A, you need to synchronize D and E at the same time.

There is another situation, that is, it would be better to put it all on one disk. I haven't tried it and gave up.

I'd like to consult here.
  • edited April 28, 2023
    It is not exactly clear how you have configured Zotero on your two computers to achieve your portable Zotero setup (without using online data or file syncing). If I understand your needs correctly, it should be possible to do so (although unusual, and potentially dangerous). As with all non-standard setups, it requires considerable knowledge about how Zotero's configuration settings work, and where things are stored.

    It sounds like you want your Zotero data and attachments to be stored on an external drive (but you would not necessarily need to use FreeFileSync to copy any files). The Zotero program would remain on the local drive on each computer.

    Firstly, you should understand where the Zotero program and settings are stored, where your data is stored (ie where the sqlite database is stored), and where PDF attachments are stored (the latter varies depending on whether you use Zotfile or not).

    Did you use Zotfile to store your attachments on your external drive, or not ? (it may not be vital to your needs, but the setup will be different if you use it).
    If you did use Zotfile, what is your setting under Edit\Preferences\Linked Attachment Base Directory on each computer ?

    What is your setting on both computers for: Edit\Preferences\Advanced\File and Folders\Data Directory Location\Custom ?

    If you are not using Data Syncing or File Syncing, you should have all boxes UNticked under Edit\Preferences\Sync.

    Storing Zotero data on an external drive is less safe than storing it in the default location on your computer's main drive and is therefore not recommended - because an external drive can be detached while Zotero is still open on the computer. The same danger applies to Endnote data on an external drive (I commonly saw Endnote database corruption, albeit with cloud drives).
  • First, thank you very much for your reply.

    my endnote data is in portable external drive. so i can use it on other computer.(the premise is that the computer has the endnote main software)(endnote——file——find EndNote Library (.enl))

    endnote store the setting data and pdf data in one folder in window.(There are three subfolders under one folder: rdb、tdb、PDF)

    1-how Zotero's configuration settings work, and where things are stored.
    yes,i wonder to know where Zotero settings are stored.i will find it in the discussion and new guys guide.

    2-If you did use Zotfile, what is your setting under Edit\Preferences\Linked Attachment Base Directory on each computer ?
    no ,i did not ust zotfile;

    3-Storing Zotero data on an external drive is less safe than storing it in the default location on your computer's main drive and is therefore not recommended
    thanks to attention. i store endnote data in three site:(computer a)(computer b)(external drive)——all is in one folder.
    if some one change, i will manully Synchronize it.(use filesync)

    My main need is to know:
    Where is the configuration file for zotero? in that case, I can copy and paste it.
    I copied this configuration file to another computer and then i can have the same zotero in another computer
  • 也许你需要一个便携版Zotero:https://portableapps.com/apps/office/zotero-portable
    Perhaps you need a portable version of Zotero: https://portableapps.com/apps/office/zotero-portable
    Just install it to the USB drive, then start Zotero from the USB drive, and all data will move with the USB drive.

    Of course, you can regularly use folder synchronization software to synchronize the entire installation directory on the USB drive to other computers as a backup or to improve running speed.
  • edited April 28, 2023
    OK, so if you are not using Zotfile, or online Data or File Syncing, you just need to know where your Zotero data and attachments are stored:
    Once you know that you can set things up the same as your Endnote setup.

    You can change that storage location on one or both computers if you want at:
    Edit\Preferences\Advanced\File and Folders\Data Directory Location\Custom
    (corrected: thanks @adamsmith)

    The cautions about using an external disk still apply. Make sure you have good backups.

    Regarding the portable version of Zotero at portableapps, if I recall correctly that is not supported or recommended by the Zotero organization (but perhaps they could confirm).
  • (that's Preferences--> Advanced --> Files and Folders...)
  • @WSXGF
    thanks, the portable zotero is my wonder.
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