Bug? Unable to move items to some collections

So, I have a collection with three sub-collection. Let's call them
- Collection1
- Sub1
- Sub2
- Sub3

For some reason, I can't move an item from Sub1 to Sub3 - but I CAN move it from Sub1 to Sub2! What gives?

First I tried drag and drop, but I also tried via the "Add to collection" menu. I mean, look at this weird screenshot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mt314tnif5k0i1s/CleanShot 2023-04-01 at 14.57.13@2x.png?dl=0
In this image, the item in question is just in the Collection1 root folder, and for some reason Sub1 and Sub3 is grayed out, but not Sub2.

Zotero 6.0.23
Desktop app, MacOS Ventura 13.2.1
  • That just means the item is already in those collections.
  • Haha, I see! In other words, Zotero is the only place in the world where drag and drop means "copy". I think that's weird behaviour - but I still should've notice. My bad. ☺️
  • edited April 1, 2023
    No, that's standard behavior for library-based apps — exactly how music playlists or photo albums work in other software.

  • Hm, that’s a good point! (I’ve just never thought of Zotero that way, or made photo albums or many playlists.) I also think it’s perfectly fair to have a model like that. But I also think better UX would provide some sort of feedback - but I love Zotero despite it’s design, not because of it.
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