subsequent citations incorrect and not updating


I'm using a custom citation style and for some reason, in Word, subsequent citations aren't follow the citation style - I've been testing using the csl editor and there should be no problem in these instances.

In this case, subsequent citations should only use the author's last name, but sometimes it inserts the first initial(s) and it seems arbitrary when there is a period after the first initial (I've specified this in the citation style: first references should use first initials, no spaces between them, and with periods).
So a first citation might begin
E.B. White [small caps], Charlotte's Web etc.
And a second should read
White, Charlotte's Web

But it might display:
E B White, Charlotte's Web
or E.B. White, Charlotte's Web

I've made sure the most recent version of the style is installed, and I've also tried deleting these citations and just reinserting them, but that doesn't seem to be helping.
  • edited March 20, 2023
    I tested this with authors I only have in my bibliography once. Here's an example - the Zotero style editor shows the following
    - Individual Citations (subsequent)
    Woollett, van Suchtelen: Rubens & Brueghel.
    - Single Citation (with position "first")
    A.T. Woollett & A. van Suchtelen: Rubens & Brueghel: A Working Friendship (Los Angeles, CA 2006).
    - Bibliography
    Woollett, A.T., & van Suchtelen, A.: Rubens & Brueghel: A Working Friendship (Los Angeles, CA 2006).

    In a new document, I get this in three subsequent footnotes:
    A.T. Woollett & A. van Suchtelen: Rubens & Brueghel: A Working Friendship (Los Angeles, CA 2006).
    A.T. Woollett & A. van Suchtelen: Rubens & Brueghel, 20.
    A T Woollett, A van Suchtelen: Rubens & Brueghel.

    In another document, the first citation was complete, the subsequent citation omitted the first initial (correct), the second subsequent citation added the first initial with a period when it shouldn't have, and the third included the first initial and omitted the period. I think what is particularly confusing is that the subsequent citations are almost never the sameā€¦
  • We'd need to see the full style code then. Post to or a similar site and link here.
  • you have contributors instead of contributors-short for position ibid (l. 547)
  • amazing! I think that did it - thank you :-)
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