Find refs when working in Word
For the function of 'add citation' in Word, is it possible to use 'XXX et al., 20XX' to locate the reference using the red search bar? I know it is ok to use 'name year' to search, but this is problematic for some Chinese names, as many people (some are just middle name authors) share the same surname. In other words, is that possible to use the first author's name only to find a ref. This is a possibly better way to work on Word documents, as we can always first simply type 'XXX et al., 20XX' as plain texts for citations in a ms, and then easily add citations using Zotero by copying 'XXX et al., 20XX' to the red search bar.
That's an interesting idea.
Note that you can do this in the classic add citation dialog simply by sorting by the author column and starting to type (though of course the dialog has other disadvantages).
It sounds like the problem here is just that if you include a year it no longer tries to match the first author's surname first. We'll look into fixing that.