Linking to another note from within the text of a note
Quite often I run into situations, where I would like to insert a link to another note at a specific point in the text of a note. I'd imagine something similiar to inserting a citation - or to the "related notes" field at the bottom of the editor, just in a way that it's placed at a specific point in the text.
Does that seem like a plausible feature request other people might be interested in as well?
Does that seem like a plausible feature request other people might be interested in as well?
Alternatively, I would like to know if there are any ways to link notes within notes (citation based or URL based), even without a specific anchor-point within the target note!
I hope to use a note that contains highlights and comments as a knowledge card, just like the cards in Marginnote3, with title attributes and bidirectional linking functions.
When in "Note A" you can use the plugin icon in the top of the note to make a bidirectional link in the workspace note ("Note B").
Does Zotero not have the native ability to link to notes?