Hard to select text

When I highlight text, it is hard to select the text in ipad
  • Can you take a screenshot that shows what you're seeing, upload it somewhere, and provide a link here?
  • I'm still not sure exactly what you're doing, though. Can you say more? Feel free to write in your native language if it's not English.
  • 当文字高亮时,很难选中文字,当我想选择文字时,它会弹出注释框,那这时候我想复制文字就没办法操作。
  • edited March 2, 2023
    What exact text are you trying to copy, though? Are you trying to copy the word "technology"? And you're saying you can't do that because there's already a highlight annotation on it?
  • it is hard to do this.
  • OK, got it. We'll address this, but it may not happen until we add proper annotation copying support as in the desktop app, where you get the quote plus an automatic citation.
  • 但实际上我不仅仅需要复制,我也需要其他操作,可以参考其他app,即使文字高亮,它不影响选择文字。
  • 在zotero中,文字高亮时,长按功能似乎失效,我个人建议能否将长按改成双击。这个在liquidext已经得到应用。双击目前时放大和缩小页面的功能,这个并不实用,因为一般用双指放大缩小。
  • 是LiquidText app
  • You're suggesting that long-pressing highlighted text should bring up the normal text selection popup instead of the annotation widget?
  • yes. But I would rather recommend that double-clicking text should bring up the normal text selection popup.
  • 这里有一个例子
  • We'll think about it, but the problem with double-tap is that it means that the annotation widget couldn't appear on a single tap — it would have to wait to make sure you weren't double-tapping. So the annotation interface would feel more sluggish.

    In the PDF reader, if you long-tap with the pencil on a word and then let go, it highlights the word, so that seems like a reasonable approach here for selecting highlighted text (and then adjusting with the drag handles if necessary) without triggering the annotation widget.
  • 我明白您的意思。长按问题在于我没达控制它的时间,有时候没有弹窗出来,我以为我长按的时间不够久,或者我长按的力气不够大,我不知道是否是我个人的原因,我无法准确预估长按的时间和需要的力量。我个人建议能否将注释弹窗和正常文字弹窗结合在一起。
  • 在电脑端也有同样的问题,比如我用蓝色高亮了前五行,现在我想选中第三行中间的某个词组,这很难做到。
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