Why is Zotero not fully writing out my footnote?
I've entered all the common specific fields for a footnote: title, author(s), publisher, location, date. All that is being provided is the Author and Title.
1 Grenz and Olson, Who Needs Theology?: An Invitation to the Study of God.
I'm using the MS Word Zotero plugin and have all that information in the Zotero library.
1 Grenz and Olson, Who Needs Theology?: An Invitation to the Study of God.
I'm using the MS Word Zotero plugin and have all that information in the Zotero library.
adamsmithProbably because of the citation style you are using. Try Chicago Manual (full note)
SVOhioWell now I feel stupid. I thought I had tried that. Ha! Thanks for the patience with my question then.