Cannot open link in horizontal split view.

edited January 15, 2023
I cannot open the link in the horizontal split view's second view but the first is ok.

Version: 6.0.20
  • The split view is currently much more limited, but this will be possible in a future update.
  • @dstillman, thanks for your reply. I see. Now I have a problem: I have a paper with citation links to the bibliography at the end of the paper, and the bibliography contains links to the paper's website. Before Zotero introduced split view, if I wanted to go to the website of a citation, I simply clicked citation to jump to the bibliography, and then click the DOI hyperlink. Now, when I click citation, it automatically jumps to bibliography in the split view, but the split view doesn't have open link support, making what was once a simple operation very complicated. Therefore, I would appreciate it if you could solve this problem.
  • Clicking a citation link to the bibliography works exactly the same as it always has — it doesn't automatically do anything in a split view. Are you using some plugin that does that?
  • Yes, you are right. I checked the plugin and there is a plugin that automatically opens the bibliography when I click on the citation.
  • @Cesaryuan Can you tell me what plugin helps to automatically open a split view when you click a citation or a link?
  • I found a plugin called `zotero reference` that implements this feature, hoping that this feature will be built into the next version of zotero.

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