Unable to get tag names using api with Obsidian

Hi all,

I'm trying to figure out how to extract tag information into Obsidian using the Obsidian Zotero Integration Plugin. I have it mostly working with standard fields and my template looks like:

title: {{title}}
year: {{date | format("YYYY")}}
authors: {{authors}}{{directors}}
type: {{itemType}}
tags: {{tags}}

which auto-populates with the information from the Zotero entry (except for the tags).
I looked up the api and it seems like {{tags}} should work, however this returns what seems like an array -> [object Object], instead of the actual tag name (the current tag is "test" which results in that above array looking thing).
Am I using the wrong keyword to extract the tags or is this functionality currently not working?

  • I'm not sure what API you're referring to, but it's not a Zotero API. For help with plugins you'd want to ask the plugin developer.
  • You niin to loop through the tags. There is examples in the Obsidian Zotero Integration docs. Something like below.

    for t in tags
    tag_text = t.tag
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