Enable Night-Mode (PDF-Reader) / DYSLEXIC MODE / inverted colors / Dark mode for easy reading
Most pdf readers let you set letters in white and background in black (negative/nightmode/darkmode, whatever they call it).
A toggle button for Light/Sepia/Dark like in Firefox Reader View would be amazing.
2. HELPS PEOPLE LIKE ME: It is better for long reading sessions on the eyes, me and many other people use this feature in other readers
I imagine there are other reasons.
In firefox (just in case you use their PDFjs engine, seems to have a workaround) here:
A toggle button for Light/Sepia/Dark like in Firefox Reader View would be amazing.
2. HELPS PEOPLE LIKE ME: It is better for long reading sessions on the eyes, me and many other people use this feature in other readers
I imagine there are other reasons.
In firefox (just in case you use their PDFjs engine, seems to have a workaround) here:
This discussion has been closed.
On windows, I use Setting->Accessibility->Color filters->Grayscle inverted.
Keyboard shortcut makes it handy.
Another topic is Zotfile, which I think still is useful to tell Zotero to store pdfs "on certain locations, under certain names". I am loving all the updates on zotero, yet a few corners might still need to be sanded (e.g. zotfile functionalities, or more importantly inverted colours for the reader).
Anyway, thanks for such a useful program.
Even if it is the case with my default reader (Evince, Fedora Gnome 41) I can't see the annotations that are made previously, which can be seen on Zotero pdf viewer.
I tried on switching to the Evince, highlighting some text and then if I replace the saved file (system prompts to replace the file on the disk, which is not optimal since I loose the clean, un-annotated pdf), it actually does propagate to Zotero reader and Evince. But the annotations up to now are not possible to be viewed still.
Please @martynas_b, take a look to doq (and doqment [https://github.com/shivaprsd/doqment], which is doq already integrated in pdf.js) to see if this is possible.
It would be a great new feature for Zotero 7.