OOo plugin not compatible with firefox 3.5.3

I have just installed openoffice, but unfortunately the integration of zotero is not possible because of compatibility problems with firefox 3.5.3.
Is there any other way to integrate the plugin for OO?
Thanks, siya
  • The OO plugin is certainly compatible with 3.5.3. What's the exact problem you're experiencing?
  • Hello Dan,

    Thanks for the quick answer. The problem was that zotero was not installed in oo and the add.ons menu of firefox actually said that zotero "could not be installed", because it was "not compatible with firefox 3.5.3". However, it seems that it was a firefox bug and that firefox did not restart properly (it closed down and opened again but apparently without installation of the addon). I had to manually close firefox.exe in the task manager and after opening it again everything worked.
    Thanks again,
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