Cannot install zotero connector on Chrome

I am having issues installing the Zotero connector to Chrome - I had this app until today and all of a sudden it was no longer was visible on my toolbar. Given advise online I uninstalled the application and tried to reinstall the zotero connector - I keep getting an error message as follows:
An error has occured - download interrupted.

Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.


  • What OS is this? Start by restarting your computer.
  • I've restarted my PC twice already!

    MS Windows
  • Did you recently install any security software or security extensions into chrome? Can you install any other extensions from the Chrome store? This isn't really a Zotero bug, but a Google Chrome one, so you might want to talk to their support too.
  • Thanks - yes I cannot seem to intall any other extensions!

    I'll contact Google Chrome.

    Thanks again,

  • edited November 3, 2022
    Jodi - are you by chance using multiple Google Chrome profiles? I encountered something like this recently under Windows 11, when I started using different profiles. It's been a few weeks, so I don't remember the specifics clearly, but I do know I eventually figured out that I had to download/add extensions separately in each profile. (PITA, from my perspective!)
    That said - I don't remember an error message, exactly - just that I couldn't figure out why my extensions were not there.
    As I recall, I had to got to Zotero website again and explicitly add the Connector to my Chrome window.
  • Thanks Ipurban,

    I have two profiles on my PC but I am only using the extension for one profile only.
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