Error 1533410729: Impossible to correct date field in items added with Zotero conector (ver. 6.0.15)

edited October 22, 2022
Hi everyone. I have a serious problem with the date in some items, especially with them were added with the Zotero connector (in MS Edge native complement). The mostly appears "1969-12-31" in date field, and in some items the only way to correct that is first change the document type (e.g., from Law to Document or from Web Page to Report), change the date field manually, and then, return that to original document type. But in another items, is impossible to correct that (or delete it in the data field, because automatically appears "1969-12-31" again), and I only can write "0000" for data field disappears (and avoid appears "31-dec-1969" in the date's reference).

Please help. Anyone more suffers that error, or I'm doing something wrong? Thanks in advance.

The bug-report console returns the next log:

[JavaScript Error: "'date' is not a valid field for type 'artworkMedium'" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/data/item.js" line: 787}]

[other errors removed — D.S.]

version => 6.0.15, platform => Win32, oscpu => Windows NT 10.0; WOW64, locale => es-ES, appName => Zotero, appVersion => 6.0.15, extensions => Zotero LibreOffice Integration (6.0.2.SA.6.0.15, extension), Zotero Word for Windows Integration (6.0.1.SA.6.0.15, extension), Utilidad Zutilo para Zotero (3.10.0, extension), ZotFile (5.1.2, extension), DOI Manager (1.4.2, extension), ZoteroPreview (0.1.6, extension), Zotero INSPIRE Metadata Updater (0.2.11, extension), Storage Scanner for Zotero (5.0.12, extension), Zotero Citation Counts Manager (1.3.0, extension), Zotero Date From Last Modified (0.1.0, extension), ZoteroAbstractCleaner (0.0.7, extension), Zotero PDF Preview (0.3.7, extension), Folder Import for Zotero (0.0.5, extension, disabled)
  • Can you provide a URL to reproduce this? Can you reproduce it with all plugins disabled? If so, can you provide a Debug ID (different from a Report ID) from Zotero for saving and reproducing the error?

    (There's also a bug in the error message — it shouldn't say "artworkMedium" — but that's irrelevant.)
  • Hi, thanks for your answer.
    After disable the plugins each by each, the "Zotero Date From Last Modified (0.1.0, extension)" plugin was the guilty. The definitive solution was delete it.
  • edited October 28, 2022
    edit: that's just what that plugin does. If the date is empty, and an URL is present, and the last-modified of that URL is not today, it fills in the last-modified date.
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