display collections to which an item belongs
Quirin KrabiI second robbel's request! I would love to be able to add such a tab. It would make organizing the collections so much easier. Is there maybe any addon already?
foryondI third robbel's request! I would love to be able to add such a tab. I really want to know at a glance which collection items belong to.
abraueredited December 5, 2022+1
millikenSeems like there has been a lot of interest in this for more than a decade. I know I wish it was available at some point every project I work on. Is it at least on a roadmap?
maurosassiI'm also interest in this feature. It seems to be planned for inclusion in Zotero 7. I don't know if it is already availbale in the beta version as i'm tunning version 6.
dstillmanYes, the Zotero 7 beta includes a Libraries & Collections section in the redesigned item pane.